
Tem uma música do The Who que fala, "sometimes I feel a little lonely"... Acho que estou me sentindo assim, apesar de não ter razão para tal. But, sometimes I do feel a little lonely.

2 comentários:

  1. My dear friend!!!! Surprise!!!Well!!! At least now I have a blog too...so dont feel lonely!! You have inspired me!!!Hahahaha...But if you are feeling lonely...and sometimes we all do....remember that you never know whats around the corner and life is beautiful and good things are about to come!!! Just look out the windown...even in a rainy day its always worth it!!! London is beautiful and cool as always! Miss you! XX Thati Lane!

  2. I feel lonely almost all the time. like a sailor on the open sea, enjoying the view but always looking for a cousy person-place to rest.
